importApplicationEmbeddedManifest( <applicationArchiveFilename> [, <variables> [, <listener>, [, <manifestPath>] ] ] )

Imports application manifest embedded in application archive.

The idea behind manifests is described on a page dedicated to manifests.

The behaviour of this function is very similar to importApplicationManifest, the only difference is the origin of the manifest file: instead of being a standalone file, it is embedded in applicaiton archive.

Application-embedded manifests are handy when you’re in control of application build process or if you can convince the development team to use WDR or to at least include manifest in the archive during the build process. The alternative to embedded manifests are standalone manifests.



path to application archive file, the archive must contain application manifest under META-INF/manifest.wdra path


dictionary of variables (and filters) being used during variable expansion


listener objects receiving callbacks on different actions being performed during application manifest import


currently not being used


List of application names that have been affected (installed or updated) during manifest import. Application manifest may describe deployment of one or more applications. Names of applications which haven’t been installed/updated will not be included in the returned list.


List of application names installed or updated during manifest processing.

See also