Represents a Managed Bean registered in one of accessible WebSphere processes. Instances of this class can be created using:

wdr.control.JMXMBean class is quite similar in its semantics to wdr.control.MBean class except for automatic value conversions. With JMXMBean class you are able (an you have to) use Java types for arguments and attributes. No Java/Python conversions are being performed. In most of the cases you’ll find these conversions desirable and prefer to use MBean class in favour of JMXMBean. However, there are rare use cases when you need to work with Java types.

The AntAgent type is going to be used in all JMXMBean examples due to the fact of using byte[], java.lang.String and java.lang.String[] in argument lists and results.

Products based on WebSphere Application Server (like IBM BPM) expose more MBeans accepting/returning complex Java objects. The JMXMBean class has been introduced into WDR library specifically in order to interact with these MBeans.

AntAgent MBean executes Apache-Ant build scripts on the server. We’ll need to prepare a simple script for the purpose of this example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="WDR" default="hello">
    <target name="hello">
        <echo>Hello from WDR! Properties: p1=${p1}, p2=${p2}</echo>

For simplicity, we’re not going to save the above build script as local file. We’ll rather store its content in a string variable named ‘xml’.

# string variable containing Ant script
xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="WDR" default="hello"> <target name="hello"> <echo>Hello from WDR! Properties: p1=${p1}, p2=${p2}</echo> </target> </project>'

# now we need to import Java type into Jython, in this case it is java.lang.String class, then we construct Java object from Python object
from java.lang import String
str = String(xml)

# time to extract byte array from Java string:
bytes = str.getBytes()

# obtaining reference to AntAgent MBean:
antAgent = getJMXMBean1(type='AntAgent', node='wdrNode01', process='nodeagent')

# uploading Ant script to the server:
antAgent.putScript(String('hello.ant.xml'), bytes)

# building property list:
import jarray
props = jarray.array( ['p1=v1', 'p2=v2'], String)

# invoking Ant script:
antAgent.invokeAnt(props, String('hello.ant.xml'), String('hello'))

# retrieving script results and printing them:
print String(antAgent.getLastLog())
Detected Java version: 1.5 in: C:\tools\was7\java\jre
Detected OS: Windows 7
Adding reference: ant.ComponentHelper
Adding reference: ant.projectHelper
Adding reference: ant.parsing.context
Adding reference: ant.targets
parsing buildfile C:\tools\was7\profiles\wdrNode01\temp\hello.ant.xml with URI = file:///C:/tools/was7/profiles/wdrNode01/temp/hello.ant.xml
Setting ro project property: -> WDR
Adding reference: WDR
Setting ro project property: ant.file.WDR -> C:\tools\was7\profiles\wdrNode01\temp\hello.ant.xml
Project base dir set to: C:\tools\was7\profiles\wdrNode01\temp
 +Target: hello
Build sequence for target(s) `hello' is [hello]
Complete build sequence is [hello, ]

     [echo] Hello from WDR! Properties: p1=v1, p2=v2

Total time: 0 seconds

JMX notification support

The JMXMBean class has itentical methods for JMX notification support as wdr.control.MBean.